LIVE READ: They were best friends—inseparable, in fact—until the day Miguel died. Every day his friend visited Miguel's grave. Rain, wind, weekends, holidays... every day. Miguel's closest friend, Capitan, his German Shepherd is a symbol of loyalty to which we can all aspire. Loyalty. Pass it on from
LIVE READ: It's the Battle of Britain. British planes are stalling. Irreplaceable pilots lost. Tilly Shilling is tasked with fixing the problem. Tilly's pre-war motorcycle racing inspires a simple carburetor insert. Pilots are saved. History altered. Thanks to Tilly Shilling—female engineer. Break barriers and Pass it on from Pass It
LIVE READ: He's at the 30, 20, 10, 5, it's a touchdown, Utah! Kaelin Clay! Wait, the play is still alive. They're saying he let go of the ball before he crossed the goal line. And Oregon runs him back for a touchdown. For Kaelin Clay, it was a humbling moment, but he didn't let stopping short of the goal line stop him short of his life's goals. Kaelin became an All-American and played four years in the NFL. Overcoming, pass it on from
LIVE READ: Teacher Lauren Johnson returned all the graded essays, but one. He believed that one student was capable of more. "I don't believe taking the middle of the road is your philosophy. This time, write something you really believe." The student wrote a new one, about excellence. Instead of just grading an essay, Mr. Johnson changed a life. I am that student. I became a writer, and I wrote this to thank him. Thank a teacher, and Pass It On from
LIVE READ: They're simple, boring, never thought of until they're needed. They're windshield wipers. Only when Mary Anderson became annoyed that New York trolley drivers were stopping to wipe their windshield by hand, did anybody do something about it. By attaching a spring-loaded arm to a rubber blade, one woman made travel easier and safer. Look to innovate and pass it on. From
LIVE READ: Some people would call him a loser. He ran for state office- was beaten. He started a business-it failed. He ran for congress and lost. He was nominated for vice-president, he lost again. Fortunately, Abraham Lincoln knew what it took to be a winner. Persistence… Pass It On.
LIVE READ: She didn't just visit the sick and poor. She moved in with them. It wasn't convenient and it wasn't pretty, but they needed help. Mother Teresa couldn't do it all, but she gave her all. Compassion. This message is a courtesy of The Foundation for a Better Life at Pass It
LIVE READ: “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” These words from Nelson Mandela not only stirred his country, but they also continue to inspire the world. Inspiration. This message is a courtesy of The Foundation for a Better Life at Pass It
LIVE READ: Her words weren't written under peaceful shade, but under fear for her life. "Everyone has inside, a piece of good news." For two agonizing years she worried about being caught by the Nazis. "The good news is, you don't know how great you can be." Though her story ended early, her words live on. "I don't think of all the misery, but the beauty that still remains." With her positive outlook, Anne Frank continues to fill us with hope. Hope. Pass It On. This message is a courtesy of The Foundation for a Better Life at Pass It
LIVE READ: Maybe he was born with his witty humor: "Some people bring joy wherever they go. Some people bring joy whenever they go." —Mark Twain Or, as a frontier newspaper reporter: "There's nothing to be learned from a second kick of a mule." —Mark Twain Maybe he got his insights from being a riverboat captain: "Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." —Mark Twain Wherever he went, Mark Twain found humor all around. Humor. Pass It On. This message is a courtesy of The Foundation for a Better Life at Pass It
LIVE READ: You've heard it said: "He's a diamond in the rough." or maybe "Diamonds are forever." Here's something else I've learned about diamonds—they're just pieces of coal put under pressure for a long long long time. So, when I start feeling like I want to give up, I think about that little piece of coal. And if that piece of coal can make something of itself by not giving up, so can I. Persistence is in you! This message is a courtesy of The Foundation for a Better Life at Pass It
LIVE READ: Imagine a lady who wouldn't give up her seat on the bus. A TV host who wanted to be your neighbor. Or an inventory whose 10,000 failures didn't stop him. These vivid images all share the same caption: inspiration. These people just did their best, and they inspire us. Now, what will you do to inspire others? Inspiration is in you. This message is a courtesy of The Foundation for a Better Life at Pass It
LIVE READ: Today my bank made a big mistake, but I forgave them. My server spilled water on me, but I forgave him. My toddler drew lipstick on the wall... was I ever mad! It got me thinking... I can forgive my bank and my server, but I'm upset with my own kid? I mean, what's most important here?! So tonight, two of us are doing lipstick art... on paper! Forgiveness is in you. This message is a courtesy of The Foundation for a Better Life at Pass It
LIVE READ: Here's a short quiz: Who won best actress last year? Who won the World Series two years ago? And finally, name your favorite teacher. Now I'm guessing that the last question was the easiest. Why's that? Because that person made a difference in your life. So go ahead—make a difference. Because making a difference is in you. This message is a courtesy of The Foundation for a Better Life at Pass It
LIVE READ: Here's my bucket list for the day: Read an article on a new subject. Say only nice things about others and listen to everyone's opinions. Because making things better requires change. Now these changes aren't going to show up on your news feed, but they're things I can do. So change something today. It's not going to change the entire world, but it's going to change your world. Change is in you. This message is a courtesy of The Foundation for a Better Life at Pass It